The HAMILTON experience 2023
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HAMILTON “IN SCHOOLS” – was an experience which our rangatahi/teens will not forget. SparkARENA invited me to reach out to four Auckland Colleges and I was able to invite over 100 Drama, Music and Arts students to experience the live wonder of HAMILTON the live show.
The show was a spectacle like nothing the majority of these rangatahi had seen before – professional actors, onstage, performing for audiences of up to 4000 people. The atmosphere was described as “mesmerising”.
At the end of the show I meet up with the students so they could share their thoughts on the experience… and to let them know that there was an additional part to the Hamilton experience, before they departed the SparkARENA. Not only did the students get to enjoy the live show from premium seats, they were also offered an exclusive back stage tour provided by the production team, which provided an insight to what happens behind the scenes for the actors, live musicians and the wardrobe, props, lighting and rigging teams. The rangatahi even learnt some special tricks the production had put in place, so that the onstage performance ran smoothly. To say the students were awestruck would be an understatement.
On behalf of the SparkArena, Suzy Cato and the SparkARENA Communities Board we would like to thank the wonderful production team of HAMILTON the musical for the behind the scenes “icing on the cake” for this wonderful experience.
As Heather from the HAMILTON production team said to the tamariki, “There is so much that goes into a professional production and there is much opportunity, in this field, for those who are interested and motivated”. Proof was given by the number of Kiwis in the cast and crew that were touring with the production.
We hope this experience proves to be inspirational and aspirational, for all those who attended, as it seemed to be on the nights we attended.
Suzy xox